
What Can You Do About A Parent Who Will Not Evaluate Student For Special Education Services

Teacher reading to a small circle of elementary school students. Accurate and updated information as of Apr 2022
In Spanish | en español

  • Brusk version (4 pages) of this information: Your Child's Evaluation
  • Sobre evalución en breve (4 páginas): La Evaluación de Su Niño

Evaluation is an essential start stride in the special education process for a child with a inability. Before a child tin can receive special education and related services for the first time, a full and private initial evaluation of the child must be conducted to see if the child has a inability and is eligible for special instruction. Informed parent consent must be obtained before this evaluation may be conducted.

The evaluation procedure is guided by requirements in Part B of our nation's special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Human activity (IDEA). This folio will assistance you learn more nearly what these requirements are.

Table of Contents

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Purposes of Evaluation

The initial evaluation of a child is required by IDEA before any special pedagogy and related services can exist provided to that child. The purposes of conducting this evaluation are straightforward:

  • To encounter if the child is a "child with a disability," every bit divers past Idea
  • To get together information that volition aid determine the kid's educational needs
  • To guide conclusion making about appropriate educational programming for the kid.

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IDEA'south Definition of a "Child with a Inability"

Thought lists dissimilar disability categories under which a child may be establish eligible for special education and related services. These categories are:

  • Autism
  • Deafness
  • Deafened-blindness
  • Developmental delay
  • Emotional disturbance
  • Hearing damage
  • Intellectual disability
  • Multiple disabilities
  • Orthopedic impairment
  • Other wellness impairment
  • Specific learning inability
  • Spoken communication or language harm
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Visual impairment, including blindness.

To find out more than about these disabilities and how IDEA defines them, yous'll find Categories of Disability nether IDEA right to the point.

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Having a inability, though, does not necessarily make a kid eligible for special education. Consider this language from the Idea regulations:

Child with a disability means a child evaluated in accordance with §§300.304 through 300.311 equally having [i of the disabilities listed above] and who, by reason thereof , needs special education and related services. [emphasis added]

This provision includes the very important phrase "…and who, by reason thereof…" This ways that, because of the disability, the child needs special education and related services. Many children accept disabilities that do not bring with them the need for extra educational assist or individualized educational programming. If a child has a inability just is non eligible nether IDEA, he or she may be eligible for the protections afforded by other laws—such as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. It'due south not uncommon for a kid to have a 504 programme at school to accost disability-related educational needs. Such a child will receive needed assistance but not under IDEA.

Identifying Children for Evaluation

Before a child's eligibility nether Idea can exist determined, withal, a full and private evaluation of the child must be conducted. There are at least 2 ways in which a child may be identified to receive an evaluation nether Idea:

(1) Parents may request that their child be evaluated . Parents are often the offset to notice that their child's learning, behavior, or development may be a cause for concern. If they're worried nigh their child'southward progress in school and think he or she might need extra help from special education services, they may call, email, or writeto their child's instructor, the school's master, or the Manager of Special Education in the school district. If the schoolhouse agrees that an evaluation is needed, it must evaluate the kid at no price to parents.

(2) The school system may ask to evaluate the kid . Based on a instructor's recommendation, observations, or results from tests given to all children in a item grade, a school may recommend that a child receive further screening or cess to determine if he or she has a disability and needs special educational activity and related services. The school system must ask parents for permission to evaluate the kid, and parents must requite their informed written permission before the evaluation may exist conducted.

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Giving Parents Notice

It is important to know that Idea requires the schoolhouse arrangement to notify parents in writing that it would like to evaluate their child (or that it is refusing to evaluate the child). This is called giving prior written notice. It is not enough for the agency to tell parents that it would like to evaluate their kid or that it refuses to evaluate their child. The school must also:

  • explain why it wants to behave the evaluation (or why it refuses);
  • describe each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report used as a basis for proposing the evaluation (or refusing to conduct the evaluation);
  • where parents tin can get to obtain help in understanding IDEA'due south provisions;
  • what other options the school considered and why those were rejected; and
  • a description of whatever other factors that are relevant to the school's proposal (or refusal) to evaluate the kid.

The purpose behind this thorough explanation is to make certain that parents are fully informed, understand what is existence proposed (or refused), understand what evaluation of their kid volition involve (or why the school organisation is refusing to conduct an evaluation of the kid), and understand their right to refuse consent for evaluation, or to otherwise exercise their rights nether Thought's procedural safeguards if the school refuses to evaluate.

All written communication from the school must be in a form the full general public can understand. Information technology must exist provided in parents' native linguistic communication if they practise not read English, or in the mode of communication they normally use (such as Braille or large print) unless it is clearly not viable to do so. If parents' native language or other mode of communication is not a written language, the school must take steps to ensure:

  • that the notice is translated orally (or by other means) to parents in their native language or other mode of communication,
  • that parents understand the content of the discover, and
  • that there is written bear witness that the higher up 2 requirements have been met.

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Parental Consent

Before the school may proceed with the evaluation, parents must requite their informed written consent. This consent is for the evaluation only. It does not mean that the school has the parents' permission to provide special education services to the child. That requires a separate consent.

If parents refuse consent for an initial evaluation (or simply don't respond to the schoolhouse'due south request), the schoolhouse must carefully document all its attempts to obtain parent consent. It may besides continue to pursue conducting the evaluation by using the law'south due process procedures or its arbitration procedures, unless doing so would be inconsistent with state constabulary relating to parental consent.

All the same, if the child is home-schooled or has been placed in a private school past parents (pregnant, the parents are paying for the cost of the private schoolhouse), the school may not override parents' lack of consent for initial evaluation of the child. As the Department of Education (2006) notes:

…once parents opt out of the public school system, States and school districts do not have the same interest in requiring parents to concord to the evaluation of their children. In such cases, it would exist overly intrusive for the school district to insist on an evaluation over a parent's objection. (71 Fed. Reg. at 46635)

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Timeframe for Initial Evaluation

Let'southward motility on from the prerequisites for initial evaluation (parent notification and parent consent) to the bodily process of initial evaluation and what the law requires. Let us presume that parents' informed consent has been given, and it's fourth dimension to evaluate the child. Must this evaluation be conducted within a certain catamenia of time after parents give their consent?

Yes. In its reauthorization of IDEA in 2004, Congress added a specific timeframe: The initial evaluation must be conducted within 60 days of receiving parental consent for the evaluation–or if the state establishes its own timeframe for conducting an initial evaluation, within that timeframe. (In other words: Whatsoever timeframe established by the land takes precedence over the 60-twenty-four hour period timeline required by IDEA.)

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The Scope of Evaluation

A child's initial evaluation must be full and individual, focused on that kid and only that kid. This is a longstanding provision of IDEA. An evaluation of a kid under Thought means much more than than the child sitting in a room with the rest of his or her form taking an exam for that class, that school, that district, or that state. How the child performs on such exams will contribute useful data to an Idea-related evaluation, but large-scale tests or group-administered instruments are not plenty to diagnose a inability or decide what, if whatever, special education or related services the kid might need, let alone plan an appropriate educational plan for the child.

The evaluation must use a multifariousness of assessment tools and strategies to get together relevant functional, developmental, and bookish information about the child, including information provided past the parent. When conducting an initial evaluation, it'south important to examine all areas of a child'due south functioning to determine not merely if the child is a child with a disability, but likewise decide the child's educational needs. This total and individual evaluation includes evaluating the child's:

  • wellness,
  • vision and hearing,
  • social and emotional status,
  • full general intelligence,
  • academic performance,
  • communicative status, and
  • motor abilities

As Idea states, the school system must ensure that—

…the evaluation is sufficiently comprehensive to identify all of the child'south special didactics and related services needs, whether or not unremarkably linked to the disability category in which the child has been classified.

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Review Existing Data

Evaluation (and particularly reevaluation) typically begins with a review of existing evaluation data on the kid, which may come from the child's classroom work, his or her performance on State or district assessments, information provided by the parents, and and so on.

The purpose of this review is to decide if the existing information is sufficient to establish the child's eligibility and make up one's mind educational needs, or if additional information is needed. If the group determines there is sufficient information available to make the necessary determinations, the public agency must notify parents:

  • of that determination and the reason for it; and
  • that parents have the right to asking assessment to decide the child's eligibility and educational needs.

Unless the parents asking an assessment, the public agency is non required to conduct one.

If it is decided that boosted data is needed, the grouping then identifies what is needed to determine:

  • whether your son or daughter has a particular category of disability (eastward.yard., "other health harm," "specific learning inability");
  • your kid's nowadays levels of performance (that is, how he or she is currently doing in school) and his or her bookish and developmental needs;
  • whether your child needs special education and related services; and
  • if and so, whether any additions or modifications are needed in the special didactics and related services to enable your child to meet the goals set out in the IEP to be developed and to participate, as appropriate, in the general curriculum.

An instance may help crystallize the comprehensive scope of evaluations: Consider a first-grader with suspected hearing and vision impairments who'southward been referred for an initial evaluation. In order to fully gather relevant functional, developmental, and academic data and identify all of the child'due south special education and related services needs, evaluation of this kid will apparently need to focus on hearing and vision, likewise as, cognitive, oral communication/linguistic communication, motor, and social/behavioral skills, to determine:

  • the degree of impairment in vision and hearing and the impact of these impairments on the child;
  • if at that place are additional impairments in other areas of operation (including those not normally linked to hearing and/or vision) that impact the kid's aptitude, operation, and achievement; and
  • what the child'south educational needs are that must be addressed.

With this example, any of the post-obit individuals might exist part of this child'southward evaluation team: audiologist, psychologist, speech-language pathologist, social worker, occupational or physical therapist, vision specialist, regular classroom instructor, educational diagnosticians, or others.

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Variety, Variety!

The evaluation must utilise a variety of assessment tools and strategies. This has been ane of the cornerstones of Idea'southward evaluation requirements from its earliest days. Under Idea, it is inappropriate and unacceptable to base whatsoever eligibility decision upon the results of simply 1 procedure. Tests alone volition not give a comprehensive picture of how a kid performs or what he or she knows or does not know. Only by collecting data through a variety of approaches (eastward.k., observations, interviews, tests, curriculum-based assessment, and then on) and from a multifariousness of sources (parents, teachers, specialists, kid) can an adequate picture be obtained of the child'south strengths and weaknesses.

IDEA likewise requires schools to utilize technically sound instruments and processes in evaluation. Technically sound instruments by and large refers to assessments that have been shown through enquiry to exist valid and reliable (71 Fed. Reg. at 46642). Technically sound processes requires that assessments and other evaluation materials be:

  • administered by trained and knowledgeable personnel;
  • administered in accord with any instructions provided by the producer of the assessments; and
  • used for the purposes for which the assessments or measures are valid and reliable.

In conjunction with using a diversity of  audio tools and processes, assessments must include those that are tailored to appraise specific areas of educational need (for example, reading or math) and not merely those that are designed to provide a single general intelligence quotient, or IQ.

Taken together, all of this information tin can exist used to determine whether the kid has a inability under IDEA, the specific nature of the kid'south special needs, whether the child needs special education and related services and, if then, to pattern an appropriate program.

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Consider Language, Communication Mode, and Culture

Some other of import component in evaluation is to ensure that assessment tools are not discriminatory on a racial or cultural basis . Evaluation must as well be conducted in the child's typical, accustomed style of advice (unless information technology is conspicuously not viable to do so) and in a form that will yield accurate information virtually what the kid knows and can do academically, developmentally, and functionally. For many, English language is not the native linguistic communication; others utilise sign to communicate, or assistive or culling augmentative communication devices. To assess such a child using a means of communication or response not highly familiar to the child raises the probability that the evaluation results will yield minimal, if any, information about what the kid knows and can practise.

Specifically, consideration of language, culture, and communication mode means the following:

  • If your kid has limited English language proficiency, materials and procedures used to assess your child must be selected and administered to ensure that they measure the extent to which your child has a disability and needs special teaching, rather than measuring your child'southward English language skills.

This provision in the constabulary is meant to protect children of different racial, cultural, or linguistic communication backgrounds from misdiagnosis. For instance, children'southward cultural backgrounds may bear upon their behavior or test responses in ways that teachers or other personnel do non understand. Similarly, if a child speaks a linguistic communication other than English or has limited English proficiency, he or she may non understand directions or words on tests and may be unable to answer correctly. As a upshot, a child may mistakenly announced to be a dull learner or to have a hearing or advice problem.

  • If an assessment is not conducted under standard atmospheric condition–pregnant that some condition of the test has been changed (such as the qualifications of the person giving the exam or the method of giving the test)–a description of the extent to which information technology varied from standard conditions must be included in the evaluation study.
  • If your child has impaired sensory, transmission, or speaking skills, the law requires that tests are selected and administered so as best to ensure that test results accurately reverberate his or her aptitude or achievement level (or any other factors the test claims to mensurate), and not simply reflect your child's impaired sensory, manual, or speaking skills (unless the test existence used is intended to measure those skills).

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What Nigh Evaluation for Specific Learning Disabilities?

Idea'south regulations specify additional procedures required to be used for determining the existence of a specific learning inability. Sections 300.307 through 300.311 spell out what these procedures are. You tin learn more past reading Module 11 of our Building the Legacy training curriculum on Thought 2004.

Information technology'due south of import to note, though, that Thought 2004 fabricated dramatic changes in how children who are suspected of having a learning disability are to exist evaluated.

  • States must not require the use of a severe discrepancy between intellectual power and achievement.
  • States must let the apply of a process based on the kid's response to scientific, research-based intervention; and
  • States may permit the use of other alternative enquiry-based procedures for determining whether a kid has a specific learning disability.
  • The squad that makes the eligibility decision must include a regular education teacher and at least one person qualified to carry individual diagnostic examinations of children, such as a school psychologist, speech-languate pathologist, or remedial reading teacher.

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Determining Eligibility

Parents were not always included in the group that determined their child's eligibility and, in fact, were often excluded. Since the IDEA Amendments of 1997, parents are to exist part of the grouping that determines their child's eligibility and are also to be provided a copy of the evaluation report, too as documentation of the conclusion of the kid'due south eligibility.

Some school systems will concord a coming together where they consider simply the eligibility of the child for special instruction and related services. At this coming together, your child's assessment results should exist explained. The specialists who assessed your child volition explicate what they did, why they used the tests they did, your child's results on those tests or other evaluation procedures, and what your child'south scores mean when compared to other children of the same age and form.

It is important to know that the group may non determine that a child is eligible if the determinant factor for making that judgment is the child's lack of education in reading or math or the child'southward limited English proficiency. The child must otherwise run into the law'south definition of a "child with a disability"–meaning that he or she has one of the disabilities listed in the law and, considering of that disability, needs special education and related services.

If the evaluation results indicate that your child meets the definition of one or more of the disabilities listed under Thought and needs special instruction and related services, the results volition grade the basis for developing your kid'due south IEP. The IEP is discussed in detail in CPIR'due south pages outset at All About the IEP.

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What Happens if You Don't Agree with the Evaluation Results?

If you, as parents of a child with a inability, disagree with the results of your kid's evaluation as obtained by the public agency, you have the right to obtain what is known as an Independent Educational Evaluation , or IEE . An IEE ways an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public bureau responsible for the education of your child. If you inquire for an IEE, the public agency must provide yous with, amongst other things, data near where an IEE may be obtained.

Who pays for the independent evaluation? The answer is that some IEEs are at public expense and others are paid for past the parents. For example, if you are the parent of a child with a disability and yous disagree with the public agency'southward evaluation, you may request an IEE at public expense. "At public expense" means that the public agency either pays for the total cost of the evaluation or ensures that the evaluation is otherwise provided at no price to you as parents. The public agency may grant your request and pay for the IEE, or information technology may initiate a hearing to prove that its own evaluation was advisable. The public bureau may ask why you object to the public evaluation. Yet, the agency may not require you to explain, and it may non unreasonably delay either providing the IEE at public expense or initiating a due process hearing to defend the public evaluation.

If the public agency initiates a hearing and the terminal determination of the hearing officer is that the agency'southward evaluation was appropriate, so you still have the right to an IEE but non at public expense. As part of a due process hearing, a hearing officer may besides request an IEE; if so, that IEE must be at public expense. Whenever an IEE is publicly funded, that IEE must meet the aforementioned criteria that the public agency uses when it initiates an evaluation. The public agency must tell you what these criteria are–such as location of the evaluation and the qualifications of the examiner–and they must be the same criteria the public agency uses when it initiates an evaluation, to the extent they are consistent with your correct to an IEE. Even so, the public agency may non impose other atmospheric condition or timelines related to your obtaining an IEE at public expense.

Of class, you have the right to accept your child independently evaluated at any time at your ain expense. (Note: When the same tests are repeated within a short time period, the validity of the results can be seriously weakened.) The results of this evaluation must be considered by the public agency, if information technology meets agency criteria, in any decision fabricated with respect to providing your kid with FAPE. The results may also be presented every bit evidence at a hearing regarding your child.

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What Happens Down the Road?

Afterwards the initial evaluation, evaluations must be conducted at least every iii years (generally called a triennial evaluation) after your child has been placed in special education. Reevaluations can as well occur more oft if conditions warrant, or if you or your child's teacher request a reevaluation. Informed parental consent is also necessary for reevaluations.

As with initial evaluations, reevaluations begin with the review of existing evaluation data, including evaluations and information provided by you lot, the kid's parents. Your consent is non required for the review of existing data on your child. Every bit with initial evaluation, this review is to identify what additional data, if any, are needed to make up one's mind whether your child continues to exist a "child with a disability" and continues to need special education and related services. If the grouping determines that boosted data are needed, and so the public agency must administrate tests and other evaluation materials as needed to produce the data. Prior to collecting this additional information, the agency must obtain your informed written consent.

Or, if the group determines that no additional data are needed to decide whether your child continues to be a "child with a disability," the public agency must notify you:

  • of this determination and the reasons for it; and
  • of your right, as parents, to request an assessment to decide whether, for the purposes of services under Idea, your child continues to be a "kid with a disability."

A final note with respect to reevaluations: Earlier determining that your child is no longer a "child with a inability" and, thus, no longer eligible for special teaching services nether Idea, the public agency must evaluate your kid in accord with all of the provisions described to a higher place. This evaluation, however, is not required earlier terminating your child's eligibility due to graduation with a regular loftier school diploma or due to exceeding the age eligibility for FAPE nether State law.

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Want More Details?

You may find the following sections of our website particularly helpful for agreement the requirements and responsibilities intrinsic to the special teaching process.

  • Evaluating Children (you're already here)
  • All About the IEP
  • Placement Bug
  • Supports, Modifications, and Accommodations
  • Resolving Disputes
  • Transition to Adulthood

What Can You Do About A Parent Who Will Not Evaluate Student For Special Education Services,


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